Sociologies of Education: Situated Enactments for Global Times; by Terri Seddon, Monash University Melbourne

Educational Inequalities in Italian Common School: Empirical Evidence and Implications for Policies; by Luciano Benadusi & Orazio Giancola, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
The Post-Comprehensive School in Europe? Shifts and Reformulations; by Jean-Louis Derouet & Romuald Normand, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Building the Revolution: Interacting with New Learning Spaces in the Hope of Achieving Educational Change; by Elizabeth Harnell-Young & Elvira Vacirca
The Fabrication of Inequality in Education. A Socio-Material Investigation on the Dark Side of Schooling; by Paolo Landri, CNR-IRPPS
Educational Standards and the Question of What We Stand For: A Socio-Technical Cartography of Standard-Based Evaluation in Teacher Education; by Carlijne Ceulemans, Maarten Simons & Elke Struyf, University of Antwerp & Catholic University of Leuven

A day in the Life … : Mapping the Academic Assemblage Socio-Materally; by Mathias Decuypere & Maarten Simons, University of Leuven

Distal and Proximal Vision in Education: Multi-Perspective Research; by Orazio Giancola, Assunta Viteritti, University of Rome “Sapienza”

Making Sense of the Educational Present: Merit Policy Events in Post-bureaucratic Italy; by Giovanna Barzanò & Emiliano Grimaldi, Ministry of Education of Italy & University Federico II of Naples
The Redistribution of Competencies in Five European Educational Systems: Global and National Perspectives; by Susana Batista, Universidade Nova de Lisboa