2013 Business Report




Overview on past ECER

During the second participation to ECER 2013, Network 28 (Sociologies of education) organized 14 sessions. In particular, the Network had 12 sessions and 2 symposia. The Network attracted 72 proposals; however, it selected 36 presentations, and redirected 26 proposals (10 proposals was directly rejected). The sessions were very well attended (between 20 and 40 participants per session). A comparison with ECER 2012 highlights, then, an increase in the proposals, and in the presentations. Moreover, the quality of the discussions, and of the exchange of knowledge and experiences reveals the consolidation of the interest towards the thematic foci of the network. The interest is also confirmed by the low rate of withdrawals (5) before the start of the Conference, and of no-show at the sessions (only 1). The Network sessions were introduced in the first session by Roger Dale who accepted to give a keynote speaking on the sociologies of comparisons in the sociology of education. The sessions were organized around the following themes: a) Getting out from Methodological Nationalism b) Theorizing and Analyzing the Agency of Teachers and School Leaders c) Equality, Justice, and Excellence d) Education, Otherness and the Future e) The Making of New Spaces of Education and Learning f) Knowledge, Policy and Society g) Identities, Social Reproduction, and Cultural Capital h) Educational Choices: Theory and Practice i) Knowledge, New Perspective in Educational Research and Subjectivities l) Learning and Identity among School, Work and Everyday Life. The symposia covered two broad themes: 1) Reassembling Education Policy Trends with Actor-Network Theory and 2) Dissemination of the Research Findings of the European Sociology of Education in a globalized academic world: the role of the Journals. The latter symposium was a further development of Jean-Louis Derouet’s project to create a meeting space for European Journals of sociology of education for discussing and taking initiatives on the circulation of knowledge in the changing landscape of globalised academic world. The symposium was attended by representatives of many European journal of social sciences published in English, French, Italian, Portoguese, Spanish, etc. The symposium was attended by representatives of: Scuola Democratica, Educacao, Sociedade e Culturas, Globalisation, Education and Society, Education et Sociétés, European Educational Research Journal, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education , Revista Lusofona de Educacao. Yet other representatives from other European journals participated at the meeting (e.g. from Spain). The symposium had two stages: a) in the first stage, the journals have been presented to the common audience b) in the second stage, the representatives tried to develop a common program for 2014 and 2015 (see the summary of the symposium enclosed herewith). The Network Meeting was very well attended as well, and included new participants interested in the development of the network agenda and its projects. The overall comments on the sessions were positive. A particular appreciation was expressed for the keynote speech, and more in general, for the practice of envisaging a keynote speaking at the beginning of the network sessions as a strategy to provide a general framework where to insert the presentations of the diverse sessions. An emergent advise was to work even more to keep focused the network, and to avoid possible overlaps with other network topics that may result in the reduction of the proposal redirected. To this end, it was agreed to prepare a call for paper for ECER 2014 that may provide a framework for potential proponents, but also for facilitating the work of the reviewers in the process of selection.


Network Activities

The network develops through parallel, and partly joint research activities on the themes of interest funded by European and national research programs. These activities resulted in common work and meetings that consolidated the network and contributed to the development of a common framework. During the course of the last year the Network work together: a) on its website b) for presenting an application for network funding c) to realize a special issue on EERJ and d) to develop a book series. In particular, the Network was able to design, and implement a website: socedu.irpps.cnr.it/. The website was realized by Ramon Pacheco that is still the web manager. It is hosted free of charge by the Institute of Research on Population and Social Policies of the National Research Council in Italy. The website is intended for the identification of the network, and also for documenting the past and the future works. It envisages a section for the European journal of social sciences in education. Also, an application for network funding was presented to EERA for sustaining the development and the consolidation of the network activities. The application proposed the realization of a Conference in Napoli at the University of Napoli ‘Federico II’. The Conference was intended to work on the major topics of interests for the network. While the proposals was considered in a positive way from the scientific point of view by the reviewers, it was not admitted for funding since it was not aligned with the funding policies of the association. Nonetheless, the Network has been able to work for a special issue of EERJ. The Network selected some promising presentations from ECER 2012 in Càdiz, and invited authors to present a paper. A briefing paper was elaborated to give theoretically and methodologically coherence to the project, and the papers were then evaluated by reviewers to assure their quality and their relevance for the development of the topics. It is envisaged the publication of the issue for the beginning of 2014. Finally, a book series has been presented to and approved by Routledge. The name of the book series is ‘Shaping European Education: interdisciplinary approaches’. A first book is expected for the end of July/August next year and there is also an additional book in preparation.


Future Plans for your network

The network will work to consolidate the website and to complete it with updated information about the network topics of interests. It is intended to strenghten its role for the common projects of the European journals of social sciences in education (i.e. cross-critical reviews, summary notes, special issues) and for enhancing the visibility of the journals. A possible list of common topics has been also identified. In addition, a mailing list of those interested in the network will be realized to keep informed about the initiatives and to advance network agenda. The Network will work a) to complete the Special Issue of EERJ and b) for the realization of the first book of the Routledge serie in the next year. It is also envisaged the possibility of apply for funding network activities by the EERA Council. This chance includes conferences, or seasonal school for consolidate the network and to support capacity building (to attract doctoral and post-doctoral students). Further, a session organized by Terri Seddon and Julie Matthew on ‘Sociologies of education: after fragmentation of modernity in educational projects’ will be hosted in the next July at ISA 2014, Yokohama (http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2014/). Finally, the network will be among the partners that will organise at the University Picardie Jules Verne of Amiens on 17th, 18th and 19th November 2014 a colloquium about the topic: “European social sciences of education and training and the globalization of education and training: toward a reflexive and critical framework ?”


Upcoming ECER

The network will invite a prominent scholar that may promote the sociological imagination, and the renewal of sociological eyes. In particular, to enhance the academic and scientific interchange, and promote the better conditions for developing sound debate, the network envisages organising in ECER Porto 2014: a) an introductory session (with a keynote),  b)10 sessions (3 papers for session), and c) two symposia. A call for paper will be advertised, and will guide the potential participants and the reviewers on the selection of the Conference contributions.


Would you like to include any additional items/documents in your networks website?

We would like to include a link to our network website: socedu.irpps.cnr.it, and the following documents I will attach herewith: a) Summary of the ECER Symposium (ECER Istanbul CREnglish-French10-10-2013); b) Call for paper International Conference in Amiens;  c) Call for paper ECER 2014 Porto d) Call for paper ISA Yokohama 2014.


Updated list of Convenors

Link Convenor:

Paolo Landri, CNR-IRPPS, Italy. Email: p.landri@irpps.cnr.it



Romuald Normand, Laboratoire Sociétés, Acteurs et Gouvernement en Europe(SAGE), Faculté des Sciences Sociales, France, Email: rnormand@unistra.fr

Eric Mangez, Institut Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Email: eric.mangez@uclouvain.be

Estzer Neumann, University of ELTE, Budapest, Hungary. Email: eszterka@gmail.com



Overview on past ECER

During the second participation to ECER 2013, Network 28 (Sociologies of education) organized 14 sessions. In particular, the Network had 12 sessions and 2 symposia. The Network attracted 72 proposals; however, it selected 36 presentations, and redirected 26 proposals (10 proposals was directly rejected). The sessions were very well attended (between 20 and 40 participants per session). A comparison with ECER 2012 highlights, then, an increase in the proposals, and in the presentations. Moreover, the quality of the discussions, and of the exchange of knowledge and experiences reveals the consolidation of the interest towards the thematic foci of the network. The interest is also confirmed by the low rate of withdrawals (5) before the start of the Conference, and of no-show at the sessions (only 1). The Network sessions were introduced in the first session by Roger Dale who accepted to give a keynote speaking on the sociologies of comparisons in the sociology of education. The sessions were organized around the following themes: a) Getting out from Methodological Nationalism b) Theorizing and Analyzing the Agency of Teachers and School Leaders c) Equality, Justice, and Excellence d) Education, Otherness and the Future e) The Making of New Spaces of Education and Learning f) Knowledge, Policy and Society g) Identities, Social Reproduction, and Cultural Capital h) Educational Choices: Theory and Practice i) Knowledge, New Perspective in Educational Research and Subjectivities l) Learning and Identity among School, Work and Everyday Life. The symposia covered two broad themes: 1) Reassembling Education Policy Trends with Actor-Network Theory and 2) Dissemination of the Research Findings of the European Sociology of Education in a globalized academic world: the role of the Journals. The latter symposium was a further development of Jean-Louis Derouet’s project to create a meeting space for European Journals of sociology of education for discussing and taking initiatives on the circulation of knowledge in the changing landscape of globalised academic world. The symposium was attended by representatives of many European journal of social sciences published in English, French, Italian, Portoguese, Spanish, etc. The symposium was attended by representatives of: Scuola Democratica, Educacao, Sociedade e Culturas, Globalisation, Education and Society, Education et Sociétés, European Educational Research Journal, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education , Revista Lusofona de Educacao. Yet other representatives from other European journals participated at the meeting (e.g. from Spain). The symposium had two stages: a) in the first stage, the journals have been presented to the common audience b) in the second stage, the representatives tried to develop a common program for 2014 and 2015 (see the summary of the symposium enclosed herewith). The Network Meeting was very well attended as well, and included new participants interested in the development of the network agenda and its projects. The overall comments on the sessions were positive. A particular appreciation was expressed for the keynote speech, and more in general, for the practice of envisaging a keynote speaking at the beginning of the network sessions as a strategy to provide a general framework where to insert the presentations of the diverse sessions. An emergent advise was to work even more to keep focused the network, and to avoid possible overlaps with other network topics that may result in the reduction of the proposal redirected. To this end, it was agreed to prepare a call for paper for ECER 2014 that may provide a framework for potential proponents, but also for facilitating the work of the reviewers in the process of selection.


Network Activities

The network develops through parallel, and partly joint research activities on the themes of interest funded by European and national research programs. These activities resulted in common work and meetings that consolidated the network and contributed to the development of a common framework. During the course of the last year the Network work together: a) on its website b) for presenting an application for network funding c) to realize a special issue on EERJ and d) to develop a book series. In particular, the Network was able to design, and implement a website: socedu.irpps.cnr.it/. The website was realized by Ramon Pacheco that is still the web manager. It is hosted free of charge by the Institute of Research on Population and Social Policies of the National Research Council in Italy. The website is intended for the identification of the network, and also for documenting the past and the future works. It envisages a section for the European journal of social sciences in education. Also, an application for network funding was presented to EERA for sustaining the development and the consolidation of the network activities. The application proposed the realization of a Conference in Napoli at the University of Napoli ‘Federico II’. The Conference was intended to work on the major topics of interests for the network. While the proposals was considered in a positive way from the scientific point of view by the reviewers, it was not admitted for funding since it was not aligned with the funding policies of the association. Nonetheless, the Network has been able to work for a special issue of EERJ. The Network selected some promising presentations from ECER 2012 in Càdiz, and invited authors to present a paper. A briefing paper was elaborated to give theoretically and methodologically coherence to the project, and the papers were then evaluated by reviewers to assure their quality and their relevance for the development of the topics. It is envisaged the publication of the issue for the beginning of 2014. Finally, a book series has been presented to and approved by Routledge. The name of the book series is ‘Shaping European Education: interdisciplinary approaches’. A first book is expected for the end of July/August next year and there is also an additional book in preparation.


Future Plans for your network

The network will work to consolidate the website and to complete it with updated information about the network topics of interests. It is intended to strenghten its role for the common projects of the European journals of social sciences in education (i.e. cross-critical reviews, summary notes, special issues) and for enhancing the visibility of the journals. A possible list of common topics has been also identified. In addition, a mailing list of those interested in the network will be realized to keep informed about the initiatives and to advance network agenda. The Network will work a) to complete the Special Issue of EERJ and b) for the realization of the first book of the Routledge serie in the next year. It is also envisaged the possibility of apply for funding network activities by the EERA Council. This chance includes conferences, or seasonal school for consolidate the network and to support capacity building (to attract doctoral and post-doctoral students). Further, a session organized by Terri Seddon and Julie Matthew on ‘Sociologies of education: after fragmentation of modernity in educational projects’ will be hosted in the next July at ISA 2014, Yokohama (http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2014/). Finally, the network will be among the partners that will organise at the University Picardie Jules Verne of Amiens on 17th, 18th and 19th November 2014 a colloquium about the topic: “European social sciences of education and training and the globalization of education and training: toward a reflexive and critical framework ?”


Upcoming ECER

The network will invite a prominent scholar that may promote the sociological imagination, and the renewal of sociological eyes. In particular, to enhance the academic and scientific interchange, and promote the better conditions for developing sound debate, the network envisages organising in ECER Porto 2014: a) an introductory session (with a keynote),  b)10 sessions (3 papers for session), and c) two symposia. A call for paper will be advertised, and will guide the potential participants and the reviewers on the selection of the Conference contributions.


Would you like to include any additional items/documents in your networks website?

We would like to include a link to our network website: socedu.irpps.cnr.it/, and the following documents I will attach herewith: a) Summary of the ECER Symposium (ECER Istanbul CREnglish-French10-10-2013); b) Call for paper International Conference in Amiens;  c) Call for paper ECER 2014 Porto d) Call for paper ISA Yokohama 2014.


Updated list of Convenors

Link Convenor:

Paolo Landri, CNR-IRPPS, Italy. Email: p.landri@irpps.cnr.it



Romuald Normand, Laboratoire Sociétés, Acteurs et Gouvernement en Europe(SAGE), Faculté des Sciences Sociales, France, Email: rnormand@unistra.fr

Eric Mangez, Institut Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Email: eric.mangez@uclouvain.be

Estzer Neumann, University of ELTE, Budapest, Hungary. Email: eszterka@gmail.com